Online Corrosion Monitoring - Retrieval Services
Description: This method is used for online Retrieval and Reinstatement of corrosion monitoring Coupons / Probes or Chemical Injection assemblies under pressure, without a shut down.
Coupon assembly: Retrieval of coupons and further weight loss analysis to determine the corrosion rate within the pipeline. Reinstatement of new coupons into the pipeline.
Corrosion Probe / Quill Assembly: Retrieval for replacement or for general routine check to determine the condition of installed probes or quills.
Tools: Specially designed Retrieval Tool and Service valve, pressure tested to 6000 psi and for an operating pressure of 3600 psi. Retrieval tool is available in varying stroke lengths , to suit various pipeline sizes and type of monitoring system .
Personnel: Job is carried out by Highly skilled and experienced personnel, who follow standard practices and execution procedures.